Not getting an interview call?
- 13-Aug-2022 06:26PM
- Zahidul Islam
- 2289
Today I will share some tips and tricks with you especially those who are looking for jobs or applying but not getting interview calls.
1. Try to apply on the same day as the job circular. You can do it very easily by using the filter.
2. Apply from job portals but if possible apply through the official email of the company along with the cover letter.
3. Make sure that the photo you are using in the CV that you are applying with should be taken immediately.
4. Mention your contribution in past companies and your achievements without giving too much job description and personal information in CV.
5. Apply all job circulars related to you daily by using filters on job portal sites. BdJobs can apply 100 per month.
6. There are various job portal sites like Linkedin, give them plenty of time if you are really desperate for a job.
7. Talk to corporate leaders. Share your CV with them. 8. Talk to someone who is working in your area, or your relative or elder brother of your university. Share your CV with them. Remember one thing, getting a job through reference and nepotism are two different things.
8. If you are a fresher then you have very little idea about interview or CV or cover letter. So don't worry. There are thousands of videos and documents on Google and YouTube.
10. If you apply from bdjobs, apply with Applied with High Priority. If you have a strong desire for that job.
11. CV and cover letter are very important to get interview call. Your CV represents you so give importance to them. Make updated version of them.
Test User
Comment At - 2 years ago
I Read the Article and more advance writing knowledge. this you so much for this Posting.
Thank You so much.
Star IT Zahid
Comment At - 2 years ago
hi ami ki aita kinte parbo aktu com dame
Ha Parben